Everything is going wrong

Sometimes in life, everything that can go wrong, goes wrong. Just the classic Murphy's Law in action. I'm sure we've all had those days/weeks/months where everything just seems to keep going out of control in a downward spiral. I won't say things have been THAT bad for me, but lately I feel like I've been in that downward spiral where before I can fix one thing, something else goes wrong.

Without getting into the boring details of my problems, today I want to share 5 quick tips that I hope will help you get out of this downward spiral or just feel a bit more positive in life.

1. Don't focus on what's wrong
I know, this is easier said than done because when things are going wrong, it's hard to recognize what's going right, but no matter how bad your reality may seem, we always have at least something going right in our lives. There's always something (realistically, a lot of things actually) to be grateful for. As hard as it may be, try to focus on the good stuff rather than dwelling on the bad stuff, and you'll soon start finding more good things to be grateful for.

2. Be kind to yourself
If you're anything like me, you're probably very hard on yourself. Sometimes I feel like I'm the nicest person to others but the meanest to myself, but lately everytime that happens, I stop myself and consciously choose to treat myself the way I'd treat others. If a friend of mine is dealing with stuff, I'd probably comfort her and tell her it's okay to feel down but things will get better. Be that good friend to yourself!

3. Focus on the present
Rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, focus on what's actually within your control, which is now.

4. Find a creative outlet 
Write, journal and vent out all your frustrations, take up dancing, have a solo karaoke session in your room, read a fun book, paint, watch a stand up comedy show (virtually of course); do whatever you feel will creatively rejuvenate you, and it's one of the easiest ways to bounce back from feeling low.

5. Take some time off
I know this may not be possible for everyone, so I don't mean just take a lot of days off, but whatever time off you can take in your capacity, take it, whether it's a few hours, a couple of days, or a whole week if you're lucky. And do it guilt free. Sometimes, a break is all you need to reset things and break out of the downward spiral.

Bad times don't define you, but your approach to it does, so make the right choice.


No such thing as the 'right timeline'


10 Lessons from 2020